

Monday, June 8, 2009

Minat Bisnes???

To all bloggers reader......

sape2 yg minat nk wat bisnes...
add aku di ym
atau pun korg blh msg aku.

bisnes ini sgt bgus utk korg n fmily korg n ank cucu korg.
mulakn dr skrg! Keuntungan bisnes yg korg buat ni korg
akn msih dpt walaupun korg da xde didunia ni lg.
Keuntungan itu akn berpindah ke ank cucu korg.
Inilah bisnes yg mengamalkan 'Inherited profit = keuntungan warisan'

Percayalah. Bisnes ni tak akan menghampakan korg
kecuali korg yang menghampakan diri sendiri.

Berminat? Give me a message or call at 013-9927454
Jangan lepaskan peluang ini.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Die hard fans = Kipas susah mati


korang sume tahu x,
time cuti mase lapang ni blh di isi ngan benda2 berfaedah.
Ala, bak kate ore putih....fill ur time with healthy activities coz time is valuable things.

hahahah....that's my Mukaddimah je.

oK. For y'all yang die-Hard fans or Kipas Susah Mati
Korean drama,
JapaneSe draMa
and Filipino's,

korang leh tengok byk video movie and cerita2 best yg free.

Website2 ni ala2 you tube gitu.

try check out this website or this link.

p/s: Ade certain website mintak korang sign up as a member.
Kalau korang sign up, y'all dpt exclusive stream.
kire elok skit la streaming video tu nnt.
1 lg, korang leh edit akaun korang.
hahahahah..........go to tht website nnt korang tahu lbh byk lg details.

1st JUNE

Today is 1st June!

hehe what interesting with 1st June of 2009????

does 1st June is important date to anyone on this earth?

to anyone who says "yes" they will answer this question.
to those who 'Don'T' will ignore it and only thought it is a normal day JUZ like any other day.

Do you all believe that this live is beautiful and colourful?
It is YES!
Why do i say so?
HAHAHHA....try to figure it out yourself my friend.

p/s: hihihi...aku dok merepek kat blog ni.
Juz to post my shoutout!